What can i say..? this place is beautiful. Its quiet and the winter brings a stillness to the ranch. Peaceful.
Chyna and I went for a nice walk yesterday on the property. We said hello to the horses, fed them and played with General (the dog) a bit. Then we walked out away away from the house about a half a mile and realized that coyotes and wild animals are a real possibility here and that we were easy prey. (I admit we may have been allowing our imaginations to run a little). So we headed back to the house - "quick like".
Tired and dirty from the alfalfa we spent the rest of the day in the comfort and warmth of the house doing laundry, lounging around looking out through the large windows at the vast landscape and discussing our next leg of the journey.
I almost forgot to mention: We did venture into the town of Celina searching for a good place to catch a sandwich. But, that is another story and Ill let Chyna give you her version in another post... :)
Beautiful..can I say I'm envious? But so glad you are getting to experience this. Where's a pic of General? Is Chyna's uncle around?